12 Steps Of Creating The Perfect Career Page
10 minutes reading

Your brand is growing, and that’s outstanding. However, with growth come new challenges. One of them is finding the perfect people to help you sustain and even scale your growth. These are your employees—your trusted teammates who work behind the scenes to make the magic happen.
Finding the best employees is not an easy job. There are far too many HR-related factors that we won’t discuss here. That’s not our specialty. What we know, however, is how to attract people to your website through design, user experience, and content. So, let’s focus on that. Let’s focus on your brand as an employer.
Of course, you need to make your page SEO-friendly, responsive, and all that jazz. That’s a given. However, today, we want to focus on how to build your Career page so the best in your field will want to engage, check you out, and ultimately send you a job application.
Why Do You Need A Career Page
Before we create the page, let’s discuss why you need it. This will give you a clear mindset on what you must achieve. Your main goal is, of course, to find the best in the field you need help with. So, you need to put your best foot forward as an employer. However, your employer brand is vastly different from your corporate brand. You are not advertising a product or service to potential talent. You are representing your brand as a perfect opportunity for them to grow, find a better work-life balance, and achieve their own career goals.
As you can imagine, these two brands can sometimes contradict each other. For example, you may tell a customer that the team is working tirelessly to meet their expectations, but saying this to a potential employee will push them away. No one wants to work tirelessly.
That’s the main reason you need a separate career page. You can even create a separate career subdomain or website, but a page is quite enough, in our opinion.
Separating these two brands will allow you to streamline the recruitment process and create more personalized messaging with more lucrative content. Furthermore, this will centralize your entire job application process, reducing the need for traditional recruitment methods.
Most importantly, however, this move will drastically increase the number and quality of applicants. That’s quite natural, as qualified applicants are used to searching for high-end jobs on corporate websites rather than job boards or other third-party listings (LinkedIn excluded). But there is more.
Why Do Employees Look For A Career Page
When quality talent looks for a job, they make it their business to know the employer. They research the company’s values, culture, and work-life balance. In today’s economic situation, employers are no longer the stronger party in negotiations. This is especially true for quality employees who have a vast choice of brands and are eager to have them. So, you need to impress. That’s precisely what employees are looking for on your career page.
Of course, the primary reason for visiting your career page is to find clear and direct job descriptions, required qualifications, and job duties. But this alone won’t win them over.
They are actually coming to see your brand culture, read employee testimonials, and experience what it’s like to work for your brand. Many wouldn’t consider your company without clear career paths or growth opportunities.
And, of course, a seamless job application process makes these potential employees more likely to apply. A complicated application process might deter some employees, as they have little time and many options. So, the easier you make the application process, the better. This includes the opportunity to upload a CV and cover letter directly, substituting lengthy emails that take additional time and effort.
Now that you know why you need a career page and what talents look for in it, it’s time to start building.
Step1: Make It Easily Noticeable On Your Homepage
The first step in creating a successful career page is to make it visible. People should be able to find it effortlessly on your corporate website’s homepage. It should be well-designated and visually separated from the rest of your website. For example, you might want to use a different color to ensure people notice it, but don’t mistake it for a CTA. So, if your color scheme is black and orange, you can add a third color (preferably a cool one) to highlight the career page.
By making the page easy to find, talent won’t bounce before they even find their way to your career page. This will increase the number of potential candidates. More importantly, it will retain the attention of quality talents with vast options and little patience for navigating through labyrinths to get to the career page.
While there are various options, you must consider the overall customer journey of your corporate brand. The best places to put your career page are either in the menu at the top or down in the footer. Some websites may even place it beneath the CTA, separating one journey from the other. So, there are many choices, and it all depends on your vision and how your website is designed.
Step 2: Keep Your Page Clean
Keeping your career page clean will allow talent to find what they are interested in more easily. Each talent has its own priorities. For some, it’s the company culture; for others, it’s the benefits. By keeping your career page decluttered, each potential employee will be able to find precisely what they are looking for easily.
Avoid lengthy explanations, prioritize show over tell, and focus on what talents are interested in rather than bragging about your visions and greatness. Sure, there is a place to share your brand’s achievements, as prestige is not an insignificant career-choice driver, but that’s hardly the main reason why someone will apply for a job with you.
Step 3: Showcase Your Uniqueness
On the other hand, they would want to work for you because of your exceptional charm. Each brand, just like each person, is unique. While many would think that following some best practices would bring them good results, the fact couldn’t be further from the truth. By sticking to the best practices, you will blend in with the competition. On the other hand, if you showcase your unique side, quirks, and charm, you will win far more talent.
People appreciate honesty, and they prefer to know you rather than the image you want to push. More importantly, these people will work with you. They will be behind the scenes. So even if you manage to get top talent, they will quickly leave you if you are boring and just like every other corporation.
There are many ways to showcase your company’s uniqueness—through the design and the voice, but mostly through your goals and dreams.
Step 4: Share Your Values, Dreams And Goals
This being said, try to share your values, goals, and dreams. Dedicate an entire segment to this task. More importantly, you need to be genuine. For example, if you claim you want to achieve sustainability, you can’t just use one bin for all the trash. You need to recycle.
In other words, you need to talk the talk and walk the walk.
This part is especially important for the Gen Z generation. They are looking for a deeper meaning in their work. Previous generations were mostly interested in receiving bonuses, career growth, and benefits. But for Gen Z, being part of something bigger is important. So, if you want to land the best of the best in any field, you need to share their values and actively pursue them.
Step 5: Show Your Company Culture
Another great step toward securing top talent is to showcase your company culture. This way, the talent will clearly understand how a day in the office goes by.
The emphasis here is on showing, not telling. You must add a lot of high-quality pictures and videos. You can also add images from corporate team-building events. The point, of course, is to show the fun side of working for your company.
Adding a video that shows the “unscripted” office experience is a great way to win some applications. This is a short 1-2 minute video in which you go through the office with a camera and show how your colleagues work.
The “unscripted” part, of course, is an overstatement. Showing everyone behind their desks, engulfed by work, won’t win you any applications. On the other hand, having some people working while others are chatting, some drinking coffee, and others playing foosball is a great way to show the dynamic of the office.
Such a segment about your corporate culture will instantly win over those who are looking for a company like yours. More importantly, it will deter those who won’t fit in your culture from applying, saving both you and them precious time.
Step 6: Showcase The Bonuses And Perks
The other information that everyone will expect to see on your career page is the bonuses and perks of working for you. You can showcase these as a list or as a graphic. But keep HR from writing this segment. It needs to reflect the aspirations of the specific target audience, so it’s best to leave it to the marketing department to fill in the blanks.
For example, if you are looking for a lower-level position, you might want to add guaranteed hours, healthcare bonuses, 401K, dental, and other benefits. For a higher-level position, these are not as interesting as potential investment opportunities, such as becoming a partner, work-life balance, and other perks. In other words, make sure to list the benefits in a way that will grab attention. Don’t just put a list with some pretty pictures. Although, the pretty pictures are a must.
Step 7: Use Your Employer’s Brand Voice
As we already pointed out, your corporate brand differs from your employer brand. So, naturally, your brand voice will be different. Of course, it may be the same as your corporate brand, but that’s rarely the case. Usually, the brand voice should reflect the office setting. For a more corporate setting, a formal tone is a must. If you are going to ask your employees to wear formal suits and ties, you can’t address them as if you are at a beach bar.
On the other hand, if the office setting is more nonchalant, you can add some humor, colors, and informal language. However, if you are acting nonchalant and trying to come across as a place where free spirits can flourish, don’t ask your crew to wear any uniform. Moreover, don’t ask them to wear pants in 100-degree weather.
So, before you choose your brand voice, ensure you’ve determined your brand persona. This will help you immensely in finding the people with the right attitude for the job, drastically improving the quality of your applications.
Step 8: Add Employee Testimonials
Next on the list are your employee testimonials. Now, everyone knows that an employee won’t tell the truth about the company they are working for in fear of retribution or getting fired. However, adding these testimonials will help you appear in SEO searches, as people often check opinions on an employer online before they get to work. This way, you can actually attract some of your competitors’ talent.
Another option is to find a trusted third-party reviewer website and embed feedback from former or current employees. This will show potential new colleagues that you have nothing to hide or fear, and more importantly, it will enhance your credibility as an employer.
Step 9: Ensure All Job Postings Are Well-Organized And Accurate
Staying on top of your job posts is instrumental for retaining the talent’s trust. Imagine if someone applies for a position on your website, only to find out it’s already filled. What does this say about your employer brand? It’s the same as advertising a product only for the customer to discover it’s been sold out. Naturally, this hinders any chance of building a relationship based on trust.
So, make sure to keep your job postings accurate and fresh. Also, organize them in a way that talent will instantly find the best position for them. A great way to help them navigate is to separate the job listings into fields such as IT, Marketing, Finance, etc. Having just a list of random listings is chaotic, and people can easily miss the job opportunity they are perfect for. So, build your job posting section with the employee’s interest in mind. You can even ask some of your recruits to give you their feedback when designing the page. After all, they are the perfect QA group for the job.
Step 10: Be Creative In Your Job Postings
Simply having well-organized job postings will bring talent to opening the opportunity. Reading through it is an entirely different story.
Just like with the benefits and perks, you must ensure your job postings have some soul. This means you should aim to make them unique and creative, aligning with your brand voice. Retention is what you are looking for. You need a person to be so immersed in your posting that they want to learn more. It’s like a lead generation campaign but with a bit more creative freedom.
Sure, you should present your brand and talk about the position, the requirements, and the duties. You also have to showcase the benefits and opportunities. However, by using storytelling, you will not only stand out from the competition but also build an atmosphere that will be much more relatable for the talent than any job application we often see on LinkedIn. Remember, you are not just hiring a person; you are selling your company to the best talents out there.
Step 11: Make The Application Process Easy
This being said, just like with any sale, the easier the process, the more potential buyers there will be. So, ensure the application process is as easy as possible. Give talents the opportunity to apply directly through the website via a form. Don’t redirect them to an email. Though not a huge step, many people will simply miss out on the opportunity rather than go through the hassle of communicating via email from the very beginning.
If you are looking for specific skills, you can even add them as part of the application field. For example, if your future employees need to work with WordPress, you can ask them directly about their experience and how long they have worked with this CMS. This way, those not feeling ready to take on a specific task will simply disqualify themselves, saving you time.
Step 12: Focus On Diversity
Finally, focus on diversity. That should go without saying, but diversity is the cornerstone of finding the best talent. That doesn’t mean hiring someone just because they have particular features like skin color, hair color, disabilities, or anything in between. It means you must show that your brand is ready to hire anyone who’s the best at what they do, regardless of race, skin color, or disabilities.
Diversity in your brand image will help you improve the quantity and quality of your applications. For example, if a person sees only one type of person on your website and posts, they will disassociate from your brand. They will subconsciously assume that they lack the features you are looking for.
On the other hand, don’t build your entire brand culture around this one thing. Diversity in your brand should be natural, something that’s in the background—given—not something you should excessively pride yourself on.
So, if you already have employees with different skin colors, feature them all. Make it known that you are open to anyone, and their abilities and attitude will be the only things judged.
What Else
As you have seen, finding a great talent to work for you is much like selling a product or service. Naturally, regarding the technical side of your career page, it should be well-designed, SEO-friendly, responsive, and, most importantly, fast.
This is why you need HostArmada as your trusted hosting provider. We offer lightning-fast speed, top-of-the-line security features, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This will ensure your candidates will always manage to reach your career page, open your job postings without any lag, and be safe and secure while sharing sensitive information like phone numbers, email addresses, and others.
So, the first step in creating an effective career page is to visit our offers and choose the plan that best suits your needs.