In this tutorial, you will be introduced with the Support Tickets section available in your HostArmada Client Area (“Client Dashboard”). Your convenience, as our customer, is extremely important for us, therefore we gave our best to develop an adequate and user-friendly interface to ease your interaction with our staff as much as possible. We will guide you on how to effectively manage your tickets, as well as how to submit a new ticket and request assistance from our Technical Support and Billing Departments.
The ticketing system is used for the internal communication between you and our Technical Support and Billing representatives. In case you are experiencing technical difficulties or you have billing inquiries you can escalate your request by submitting a support ticket. Please note that for minor tech inquiries or questions you are always welcome to contact our Support Team over the Live Chat.
Support tickets can be submitted only by customers logged in their HostArmada Client Area. Therefore, please go ahead and log in to your account. When you are in, you will be able to submit a new ticket either by clicking on the “Submit” button located under the “Support Tickets” block or by clicking on the “Open New Ticket” button in the left-hand side menu bar.
Once this is done, the first thing you will need to select is the department this ticket will be assigned to. Depending on your inquiry, please make sure to select the most relevant category from the following:
When the category is selected, you will be presented with a new screen where you will need to specify the rest of the ticket details. Please note that if you have clicked on the “Submit” button you will be directly presented with this screen and you will need to select the applicable category from the “Choose Department” dropdown instead.
From the “Ticket Priority” dropdown menu you can select the applicable priority depending on the inquiry urgency. Then you will need to specify the “Subject” of the ticket and select the service associated with the inquiry from the “Related Service” dropdown menu.
Into the “Message” text field, please explain your inquiry in detail. Providing as much information as possible is vital as it will help our team to easily locate the issue and resolve it faster.
Finally, when you are ready, you will need to just click on the “Submit” button and your ticket will be successfully opened and escalated to the members of the selected support department.
As you have probably already noticed on the Home Page of the Client Area we have included the “Support Tickets” block which indicates the total number of tickets, as well as the number of active tickets (all tickets apart of the closed ones).
Now, in order to access the Support Tickets section and review your tickets, you can either click on the “View All” button under the “Support Tickets” block or on “Support Tickets” at the left menu bar.
Under the “Support Tickets” page you will be able to review the entire ticketing history of your account with HostArmada. The purple bar located above the list of tickets allows you to sort the tickets by status as well as to search for a specific ticket by keyword(s).
The information displayed for each ticket is quite self-explanatory, it shows the department (ticket category), the subject, the status and the time of the last update.
Intuitively, in order to review or update a given ticket, you will need to click on the “View Details” button.
On the “View Ticket” page you will see the entire ticket discussion displayed in chronological order (from the initial ticket message at the top to the latest reply at the bottom). Below that you will see two options - to “Compose a Reply” in case you need to answer to our team or to “Close ticket case” in case your inquiry has been resolved. Please note that, if a ticket is not updated from your end within 72 hours, the ticket will be automatically closed due to inactivity. The count is activated only in cases the last replay is submitted from our team. In an event an unresolved ticket had been automatically closed you will be able to re-open it and reply to our team.
If you want to update the ticket, after you click on the “Compose a Reply” button, you will be provided with the “Message” dialog where you will need to type your answer and just hit the “Submit” button.
Once this is done, you are all set and you will need to do is to wait for our team’s update.
Each time a ticket is updated from the HostArmada team you will also receive an email notification sent to the primary email address of your account with us. Please note that due to security reasons, the ticket response will NOT be displayed in the email. You will be able to review it only through the Support Tickets section in your Client Area.
We hope that you found the information in this tutorial useful and easy to follow. In case you are experiencing any difficulties while accessing your account or during submitting tickets, please make sure to immediately contact our Support Team available over the Live Chat.
Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.