Six reasons why you should migrate your website to WordPress
9 minutes reading
Being a small business owner often requires critical thinking and the ability to make decisions on the fly. One of the probably first decisions you have taken, especially if your business is digital was about your website. You probably hired someone to create your website following your requirements, and shortly after you have received the end product.
Great! But what now? How to change this old heading or add a page about that new product you are developing? How to change or add images to your products’ galleries? Is your website SEO friendly? Is it secure?
These and many more, are the subsequent questions that will hit your mind like a Death Star especially if the developers did not leave you with any documentation. You will have to rely solely on them to make the changes you need costing you more time and money.
Are you in such a situation already? Why not migrate your existing website to a website-building platform that will allow you with little to no web development knowledge to easily build and further maintain your website?
While there are many great website-building platforms, one of them stands at the pinnacle of this industry and, without a doubt, is the best option if you have little to no knowledge of how to build and maintain your website. We are talking, of course, about WordPress.
What is WordPress
There is hardly a person in the website building industry that have not heard about WordPress. Still, if you have not – WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS). It allows anyone to manage the most essential aspect of their website – the content, without any IT background.
As a result, it’s the single most popular website-building platform as over 42.9% of all 2 billion websites worldwide are powered by WordPress. On average, it’s estimated that a new website built with WordPress goes online every 2 minutes.
Today over 14.73 percent of the top 100 websites worldwide are built with WordPress. Among them are: BBC America, The Next Web, The Walt Disney Company, Fauna and Flora International, The official website of Sweden, Harvard University Gazette, Realtor, and many, many more.
If this is not a good enough motivation to immediately migrate your website to WordPress, here are six reasons why WordPress is the right choice for you.
WordPress is Free (mostly)
One of the most significant advantages of WordPress is that it is mostly free. Of course, there are some themes and plug-ins that are paid for, but as a whole, if you have little budget when migrating your website, using WordPress is what you need.
Other website-building platforms have subscriptions or paid services, and many of them insist on using their hosting. With WordPress, you can choose your hosting company and decide where to store your website’s data based on quality and price rather than the builder you need to use.
For example, WordPress works fantastic with our Fast, Secure, and stable Cloud Web Hosting. With it you will get everything your website will ever need:
- Optimized Web Hosting service for WordPress
- Static and Dynamic Caching
- FREE WordPress Optimization
- FREE SSL certificate
- FREE Website Transfer
- 24/7 Technical Support
- WordPress Management Panel
WordPress is extremely easy to use
Admin Interface – Another significant advantage of WordPress over manually built websites is its user-friendly admin interface, which allows people with practically zero experience in website building to create a genuinely good-looking website. The admin dashboard is easily navigable, and even if that’s the first time you visit any admin page, you will easily find everything you need.
Customizations – Through customization, you can effortlessly change your website’s look by only choosing predetermined options such as a visual theme. Yes, that’s rather basic, but if you need an easy-to-manage website, you have no budget, and you need it functional and live yesterday, that’s more than a good choice.
For a completely operative and eye-pleasing website, all you need is to install a premium visual theme and, if required, add a page builder like Gutenberg, Elementor, or WP Builder.
Most importantly, WordPress is the perfect place to learn about website functionalities and gradually expand your skills to the point where you won’t need the predetermined customization but instead make your own changes.
Publishing – If the goal is to create a content-driven website, WordPress has absolutely no competition. Adding blog posts, galleries, pictures, videos, and anything in between is done with just several intuitive clicks, regardless of your previous experience.
WordPress is expandable
Speaking of personalization and expandability, WordPress, without a doubt, has no rival. With over 31,000 visual themes and page templates, the platform is at the forefront when it comes to customization. The best part is that most of them are free, or at least have a free version. Naturally, if you want to reach the full potential of a visual theme, you’ll have to purchase it, but even so, the prices are rarely something that one can’t afford. The average price comes at about $59.
To go a step further, you can install a functional component like a drag-and-drop website builder. With it, you can create a unique page entirely according to your vision.
The real customization, however, comes through the plug-ins. With nearly 60 thousand plug-ins at your disposal, you can achieve every functionality you are after. Furthermore, the plugins allow you to optimize your website’s performance and offer you seamless integration with essential SEO, SMM, and other digital marketing tools.
While many plug-ins will enhance your website’s features and make it more interactive, some are instrumental to your website’s performance. Such is the analytics plug-in, which will connect your website to Google Analytics, the contact form plug-in, and the SEO plug-in.
In fact, among the top 10 most popular WordPress plug-ins, there are two contact forms, one analytics, three security, and two SEO plug-ins.
Transferring your website to WordPress will allow you to seamlessly connect it with all other platforms your brand uses, upgrade your security, boost your SEO efforts and add new functionalities to your pages.
WordPress is SEO friendly
Can you imagine almost half of the world’s websites to be using a platform that’s not SEO friendly? WordPress is beyond that. Thanks to one particular plug-in, you can not only take instant care of your on-site SEO, but you can also learn more on what are Google’s guidelines for reaching the number one spot. Yoast SEO is the most popular and widely used plug-in of all time. It has been installed on over 5 million websites, and its functionalities tell you exactly how to change your content to better your chances of becoming Google’s favorite.
Furthermore, you can boost your website speed by minifying the CSS, and JS codes, optimizing the images and controlling your website’s cache, all via one plug-in. What’s even better, there are at least a dozen that can do the job just perfectly. However, despite this boost, plug-ins can only bring you so far if you don’t have good enough hosting.
Furthermore, Search engines love security, and WordPress delivers some of the best in the business. The platform is well-known for its top-notch security protocols, and for 2021, it prevented over 86 billion malicious attacks on passwords. In addition, it blocked more than 18 billion attempts to steal data in June of 2021 alone, so WordPress is always one step ahead of hackers.
Even if your SEO is not suffering at the moment, with Google’s constant changes, you need to be always on top. With WordPress plug-ins constantly updating, you can just follow their advice and stay in the number one spot forever. And even if you’re not that interested in SEO, the sheer boost in security is enough of a reason to switch your CMS.
WordPress is highly scalable.
Scalability is one of the most important aspects of your business. So naturally, when your business grows, your website should too. WordPress is perfect for the job, as its flexibility, easy use, and effortless implementation of new features make it ideal for a fast-growing business. Even if you decide to add an online shop on the side, there are plug-ins that will allow you to do it smoothly and securely.
Furthermore, your website’s page amount and capacity of your content are only dictated by your hosting plan and not by secondary fees on the website building platform, additional hidden clauses, and other tedious factors. Finally, no matter how big your website gets, WordPress, with some plug-ins’ help, can optimize it well enough, so its user experience won’t suffer.
WordPress Support is beyond outstanding
Undoubtedly, the best WordPress advantage over any other CMS or website builder is its community. Anything that could ever happen to your website has already a solution in WordPress’s forums and third-party blog posts.
The community behind this open-source platform is extremely strong, and getting support is not attached to long waiting, sending tickets, and issues that wait in line, but rather by searching for an answer. In the unlikely event that there is none, you can even ask an open question. The community will respond swiftly and efficiently. After all, over 750 million heads are better than one when solving a problem.
Thanks to the included Technical Support Assistance, our WordPress Hosting plans are also a great place to start your search for technical assistance. Our Support Team is not only 24/7 at your disposal, but they will eagerly assist with any potential issue you might be experiencing.
So, should you migrate your website to WordPress?
The short answer is yes. The faster you do it, the sooner you’ll enjoy all the benefits this website building platform has to offer – boost your website speed, security, and SEO stand. In addition, you will enjoy one truly flexible CMS system and website builder you can pick so the possibilities of success can be endless in comparison to your existing website.
If you want to power up your website speed and security even further, HostArmada will be happy to assist. Just give us a call!