Domain Name Blog Posts

Pros and Cons of getting an industry-specific TLD

Choosing an extension for your domain name is easy, right? Well, not quite. You might think that slapping the .com TLD at the end of your domain is all there is to it, but you're...

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Why is the .io TLD such a hit these days?

Your website's TLD is more than just a technical detail for your domain name. Nowadays, the Top-Level Domain has a lot more to do with brandability, recognition, credibility, and authority. It's an essential part of...

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The most expensive domain name ever 

Each website starts with a domain name. Choosing the best domain name is often a tedious task that requires you to juggle several key factors for your future business. On the one hand, the domain...

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What Is A Brand TLD, And Do You Need One?

Brand TLDs have become quite popular in the past 3 years, with many Fortune 500 companies establishing their own TOP-Level Domains. Usually, when one of the world's most profitable and well-known brands goes for a...

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The 10 most common mistakes to avoid when creating a website

You are about to build your first website. Congratulations. That's one of the most important steps in your business endeavor, as over 90% of people visit a store after looking at its website. Moreover, about...

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What is DNS and how does it work?

A great domain name is one of the cornerstones of a successful website. If your domain name is relevant, sounds good, and can be easily spelled, your website will experience a surge in traffic, boosting...

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7 reasons why Self-Hosting is a bad idea

It takes only a few minutes to put a website online, but it takes a lot more to maintain it. Much like building a house requires purchasing the piece of land where you will build,...

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7 tips for choosing the perfect domain name

We often talk about things that we claim are the most important regarding your website's success. And we stand behind these claims. Yet there is an established continuity when building your website. For example, you...

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