Learn Client Area

Everything you will ever need to know about managing your Client Area with HostArmada!

• Last Updated: 01/09/2020
• ( 5 minutes reading )

HostArmada Client Area Overview


This tutorial is intended to introduce the interface of the HostArmada Client Area (“Client Dashboard”). We have thoroughly developed our Client Area and included all the essential features needed for exceptional user experience. In the following lines, you will learn how to easily navigate through it and efficiently manage your information, payments, services and internal communication with our team.


Home Page Overview

The Home Page of your Client Area presents at-a-glance information about your services, domains, invoices and support tickets. Each dialog in the left section includes shortcuts for easy access to the corresponding page. We strive to keep our customers informed, therefore the right section displays all the latest news concerning them.


Home Page overview


The section below contains dialog(s) representing each active hosting service that is currently being utilized with HostArmada. Each dialog displays the general information for the service, as well as shortcut buttons for direct access. Following the same order they are displayed as:

  • Access Website
  • Control Panel
  • Manage Service
  • Upgrade/Downgrade
  • Request Cancellation

Under the bottom section, you will be able to review all Support Tickets in “Open” status as well as all due Invoices.


Hosting Service overview


You will also notice two layered-navigation bars - at the top of the page and on the left-hand side. They consist of shortcut icons allowing easy access to specific sections containing different information.


Top Navigation Bar

The top bar contains a few icons followed by a dropdown menu. We will review and explain them following left-to-right order:

  • Email icon - Clicking on this icon will display the latest email sent from HostArmada. As well as an option to review the entire email history.
  • Bell icon - This icon will show you all important notifications in regards to your services with HostArmada.
  • Cart icon - This icon works as a shortcut to your shopping cart.


Top Bar overview


The arrow icon next to the greeting “Hello, Customer Name” message contains the following options structured in a drop-down menu:

  • Edit Account Details - This is where you will be able to edit your personal information, manage contacts and subaccounts, change the Client Area password and manage the security settings of the account (two-factor authentication and single sign-on).
  • Change Password - Will re-direct you to the section where you will be able to change your Client Area password.
  • Add Funds - Will allow you to transfer funds to your account with HostArmada that can be used for future service renewals and purchases.
  • Logout - By clicking here you will be logged out from your Client Area.


Left Navigation Bar

The left-hand side menu allows you to easily navigate through your Client Area to whichever checkpoint needed. We will explain the options included following a top-to-bottom order.


Left Navigation Bar overview


  • Dashboard - Represents the Home Page of your Client Area.
  • Announcements - Represents the page where you will be able to read and review all the update articles submitted by HostArmada.
  • My Account - From here you will be able to directly access your account details, as well as to manage your billing information.
  • My Services - Will redirect you to the “My Products & Services” page where you will be able to review and manage all your services with us.
  • Order New - Contains two options that will allow you to purchase a new hosting service or addon service.
  • Domains - Will allow you to manage your existing domain(s) with HostArmada; Register or Transfer new domain(s); or renew your current domain name(s).
  • My Invoices - Contains the entire invoice history counted from the moment of the account creation.
  • Support Tickets - Contains the entire internal communication history with our Technical Support and Billing departments.
  • Open New Ticket - Will allow you to create a new support ticket and contact the Technical Support or Billing departments.
  • Knowledgebase - Here you will find useful tutorials and how-to guides on various topics.


We sincerely hope that you have found the information in this guide useful and now you are familiar and comfortable with our Client Area interface. Please take a moment to review the rest of the guides available in this section which we dedicated for an in-depth explanation of the Client Area features. If you cannot find information and you struggle with a certain task, please make sure to contact our Support Team for further assistance.



Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.

Learn more about Client Area in the other tutorials that we have: