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• Last Updated: 01/09/2020
• ( 4 minutes reading )

How to add a New Currency in OpenCart 3


Bt default, OpenCart 3 comes with three pre-installed currencies - Euro, Pound Sterling, and US Dollar. Whether you are targetting the International market or specific geographical location you would most likely want to include additional currencies for the sake of your customers’ convenience. In this tutorial, we will show you how you can add extra currencies in your OpenCart store within just a few simple steps.


Getting Started

In order to start, please log in to your OpenCart Admin Dashboard and navigate through the left menu bar to System > Localisation > Currencies.


Accessing the Currencies page


On the “Currencies” page you will see listed all currently available currencies in your OpenCart Online Store.


Adding a New Currency

Now that you are on the “Currencies” page, please click on the blue "+button in order to add a new currency.


Adding a new Currency


Afterward, you will be presented with the “Add Currency” page where you will need to fill the details related to the new currency you are adding.


Currency details


  • Currency Title - Determines the title of the currency as it will be displayed on your store frontend.
  • Code - Determines the ISO code of the currency. If you are not sure what value to enter here, you can double-check the currency ISO codes here.
  • Symbol Left / Symbol Right - Determines the position of the currency symbol. If you want it to be displayed in front of the price, please enter the symbol in the “Symbol Left” field and leave the “Symbol Right” filed empty. Oppositely, if you want the symbol to be displayed after the price, enter it in the “Symbol Right” field and leave the “Symbol Left” field empty.
  • Decimal Places - Determines how many digits will be displayed after the decimal separator. In our case, we would like them to be two so the price will be shown in the following format “$10.99”.
  • Value - Determines the currency exchange rate based on your store’s default currency. In our case, the exchange rate between USD and AUD is 1.47369. If you are planning to use this currency as default, please make sure the value entered is “1.00000”.
  • Status - Determines whether the currency is enabled or disabled.

Once you enter all the required details, please do not forget to click on the blue save button located at the top right corner of the page.

Now you can go ahead and double-check if the currency is successfully added by clicking on the “Currency” dropdown menu positioned at the top left corner on your store frontend.


Storefront Currencies


Please note that by default OpenCart 3 automatically updates the currency rates on a daily basis. You are able to control this functionality by going to System > Settings > Local and setting the “Auto Update Currency”  option to “No”. You will also be able to determine the default currency of your store from the “Currency” dropdown menu available under the same “Local” settings tab.


Congratulations! Now you are familiar with the process of adding new currencies in your OpenCart Online Store. We hope you have found our tutorial useful and easy to follow. In case you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.