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• Last Updated: 04/07/2020
• ( 5 minutes reading )

How to add and manage Payment Methods in X-Cart


Payment processing is the spine of every eCommerce website. Therefore the proper configuration of each payment method is essential for your Online Store's functionality. Supporting multiple payment methods is fundamentally important for your business success as your customers are going to have several options to choose from.

Before you decide on what Payment Methods to support and which Payment Gateway to choose, there are a few aspects to take into consideration. In light of the fact that each Payment Method is bound to a third-party provider, which has different requirements, rules, and fees, you have to perform thorough research and choose the one that best fits your business model.

In terms of integration and setup, X-Cart had made everything relatively straightforward with a wide variety of choices. For your convenience, we include a list of the most popular payment solutions supported and integrable in the software:

  • PayPal
  • Braintree
  • Stripe
  • Amazon Pay
  • Authorize.NET
  • Secure Trading Payment Solution
  • iDEAL Payments
  • Pilibaba Chinese Checkout
  • Square

The selection of one or more Payment Methods is solely up to your preferences.


Payment Methods Overview

In X-Cart, there are two general groups of Payment Methods - Offline and Online Payments.

  • Offline Payment Methods - Do not require customers to submit their payment information, such as credit card or PayPal details. Examples of Offline Methods are Money Orders, Checks, Cash on Delivery (COD), etc.
  • Online Payment Methods - Require payment information to be submitted on the website and the respective payment tender to be charged. Examples of Online Methods are PayPal, Skrill, etc.

The Payment Methods management and setup is done within the X-Cart Admin Area. Once you are logged in, please navigate through the left-hand side menu bar to Store setup Payment methods.


Accessing the Payment Methods page


Under the "Configuration" tab of the "Payment Methods" page, you can see a list of all Payment Methods currently available on your store. They are split into two sections. The first one lists your Online Methods, whereas the second lists the Offline Methods.

You can see that each Method is indicated as "Active" or "Inactive". This status shows whether the corresponding Method is actually enabled on your store and available to your customers. You can change the status by clicking on the respective button.

The "Configure" button of each Payment Method allows you to edit its setting and set it up as per your requirement.

You can also altogether remove unneeded Payment Methods by clicking on the corresponding trash can icon.


Adding Payment Methods

Depending on whether you want to add an Online or Offline Payment Method, the process is slightly different. In the following lines, we are going to review each Method type.


Adding Online Payment Methods

To add an Online Payment Method, please click on the "Add payment method" button positioned at the top right corner of the Online Methods section.


Adding an Online Payment Method


In the new pop-up window, you can see a list of all available Online Methods. The button on the far right side of each Method indicates its current status on your X-Cart website. The "Settings" button indicates the Method is installed and enabled. The "Add" button shows the Method is installed, but it is disabled. These two buttons have the same purpose as on the main "Payment methods" page. The "Install" button allows you to download and install the required integration Addon.

Once you find the desired Method, please click on the corresponding "Install" button and follow the Addon installation steps. You can find detailed instructions in our guide on How to install Addons in X-Cart.


Install New Payment Method


When the Addon is successfully installed, the Payment Method is going to be available in your store. Note that all new Online Payment Methods are initially assigned to "Inactive" status. Therefore you have to click on the button to activate it.


Adding Offline Payment Methods

To add an Offline Payment Method, please click on the "Add payment method" button positioned at the top right corner of the Offline Methods section.


Adding an Offline Payment Method


In the pop-up window, you have to define the following information:

  • Name - Enter the Payment Method name as it is going to be displayed on the storefront.
  • Payment instructions - You can provide instructions to your customers and guide them on how to proceed with the payment. These instructions are displayed below the invoice on the order confirmation page.
  • Description - In this field, you can add a short description, which is going to appear next to the Payment Method name on the Checkout page.


Configure Offline Payment


When ready, please click on the "Add" button. Please note that the Payment Method is going to be disabled by default. Therefore, you have to click on the "Inactive" button to activate it and make it available for your customers on the storefront.


Activate Payment Method


With this done, your Payment Method is successfully created and enabled.


Managing Existing Payment Methods

In some occasions, you might need to adjust the settings of your existing Payment Methods. This process could be different depending on the Payment Method you are editing.

Generally, the process is the same for the Offline Methods, and they always consist of the three options we have reviewed and explained in the previous section.

Although the process differs for most Online Payments as they have specific settings.

To edit a particular Payment Method, you have to click on the "Configure" button.

In the Payment details section, you have to perform the necessary changes, and click on the "Save changes" button.


Edit PayPal Express Checkout


To sum up, in this tutorial, you have learned how to add new Payment Methods in your X-Cart Store, as well as how to activate/deactivate and edit your existing Payment Methods. We hope this information is going to come in handy in the future management of your project. In case you have any additional questions on the topic, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.



Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.