As an administrator of a social networking platform, you should be aware of how vital controlling User Profile settings is. In this tutorial, we are going to give you a heads up and guide you on how to adjust the general User Account (Profile) settings in your Una platform so they can meet best the necessities of your project.
Accessing the Account Settings section
For a start, please log in to your Una Studio and click on the "Settings" App on the home page.

Under the "Settings" page, please navigate to System > Account.

In this section, you can modify the general Account settings applicable to your website users.
Configuring Account Settings
Now, let's review each of the available settings one by one.
- Online status timeframe (minutes) - This setting determines the period of time during which users to be shown as online counted from their last activity. Typically, online users are indicated with a green circle.
- Automatic account activation after creation - If checked, all user accounts are going to be automatically activated without further actions needed from your end. In case you prefer to confirm user account activations manually, please make sure to untick the checkbox. Note that while the account is in "pending" status the user is being limited in terms of action they can perform.
- Enable account activation letter - If checked, upon account activation, an email message notification is sent to the email specified by the user informing them regarding the account activation.
- Account is confirmed when - This setting controls the method used for user account activations. Your selection here determines what steps the user must take prior to their account activation. You can choose between a few options: "No confirmation" - expects no actions from the user; "email is confirmed" - requires the user to confirm their identity through an email message sent to them; "phone is confirmed" requires the user to verify their identity over a text message sent to the specified phone number; "email and phone are confirmed" - expects email and text message confirmation.
- Enable 2 Factor Authentication - If checked, your users are required to complete Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) upon every login. When enabled, a text message containing a passcode is sent to your users' phones, and they have to enter it before logging into their accounts.
- Automatic profile creation from account name - If enabled, a user profile is automatically created and linked to the user account.
- Default profile type - Determines the default product type. For example, personal profile, company profile, etc.
- Limit number of profiles (0 - no limit) - This setting allows you to set up a limit for the number of profiles that could be linked to a single account. The default value is "0", which does not apply such a limit.
- Max number of logins attempts (0 - no limit) - This setting determines the number of failed login attempts allowed for users before their account gets blocked. Due to security reasons, it is not recommended to set this value high.

When ready, please scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.

Well done! You have managed to successfully configure the general Account settings in your Una website based on your preferences. We hope the information provided in this tutorial was useful to you and our explanations clear enough.