In Una, you are able to create Membership Levels and grant them specific permissions. The set of permissions assigned to a particular membership level determines the levels of access the users have and the actions they are allowed to perform.
In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to edit the default Membership Levels, create custom ones, and how to assign them the required permissions.
For a start, please log in to your Una Studio and access the "Permissions" app.
The Permissions Builder is where you get to manage your Membership Levels and Actions (Permissions).
Under the first "Levels" tab, you can see a list of all default membership Levels created by Una. While you are not allowed to remove these levels, you can customize them, so they fit your requirements.
You can organize the levels by clicking on the horizontal bars icon and dragging and dropping them to the desired positions. Each of the columns in the table represents essential information, such as the actions assigned, maximum storage allowed, maximum files, and a number of files limit.
Under the second "Actions" tab, you are able to review and modify the permissions granted to a particular membership level by selecting it from the dropdown menu at the top.
Without further delay, let's jump straight to the point of our guide.
To create your first custom Membership Level, please click on the "Add New Level" button.
Within the pop-up window, you have to configure the Membership Level properties.
Once you are ready with all the details, please click on the "Add Level" button.
Now that your Membership Level is created, you would want to assign the relevant permissions to it in order to grant the users the capabilities of performing certain tasks and access specific areas of your website.
Please find your new level at the bottom of the membership levels list and click on the "0 actions" link.
Upon doing that, you are redirected to the "Actions" tab, where you have to select the appropriate actions by clicking on the corresponding toggle switch buttons.
After the actions are selected, you can further configure them by clicking on the cogwheel button.
Within the pop-up window, you can adjust the settings as required.
When ready, please click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.
With this done, your new membership level is successfully created, and users assigned to it are granted the selected permissions.
This pretty much sums up the Membership Levels and Actions concept. Now you should feel confident in your knowledge and abilities to properly administer your Una users. We hope the information in this tutorial was useful and our explanation helped you to better understand how to manage them.
Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.