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Opencart is an E-Commerce platform with a great focus on usability and scalability!

• Last Updated: 01/09/2020
• ( 17 minutes reading )

How to add Products in OpenCart 3


In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to create new products in OpenCart 3. Now that we had covered the Categories, Filters, Attributes, Options, and Recurring Profiles, you are finally ready to step into adding products to your Online Store. We will walk you through the entire process step-by-step and precisely explain all the details you need to pay attention to.


Getting Started

As usual, the first step you will need to take is to log in to your OpenCart Admin Dashboard. When you are in, please navigate through the left menu bar to Catalog > Products.


Accessing the Products page


On the “Products” page you will see listed all the sample products created by default along with the OpenCart installation. In case they are no longer needed you can mark them all by ticking the top checkbox (next to the “Image” field) and click on the red “Delete” button to remove them.


Products page overview


Whenever you are ready, you can step into adding your very first product.


Adding Products

First thing first, please click on the blue “Add New” button and let’s review how to create a new product from scratch.


Adding New Product


Once you are presented with the “Add Product” screen you will notice that it is split into a few tabs containing different settings. In order to keep in consistent and ensure you are entirely aware of what information you need to specify we will separately review each of them and explain everything in detail.


General Tab

The first tab, displayed by default, is the “General”. As the name suggests under this tab you will need to configure the general product information.


General Tab settings


  • Product Name - In this field, you will need to enter the product name as it will be displayed on the storefront.
  • Description - In this content field, you will need to write the information related to the product. The description will be shown on the product page once it is accessed. You can use the tools available in the top bar which will allow you to easily format the text, add links, etc.

Right below you will need to specify the metadata and the product tags.


General Tab additional settings


  • Meta Tag Title - Represents the name of the product as it will be displayed in the browser title bar.
  • Meta Tag Description - This is the metadata description of the product. The meta tags do not appear on the page itself, they are used by search engines and are displayed in search results.
  • Meta Tag Keywords - In this field, you need to enter the most relevant keywords related to the product. They will help search engines to easily determine the content of the product page.
  • Product Tags - Product tags are intended for categorizing and grouping products. They are displayed on the product pages beneath the “Description” section. If a specific product tag is selected by your visitor all products assigned to it will be listed. Here you will need to specify relevant tags for the given product. For example, if you are adding a T-shit the tags could be the brand, the model, etc. Note that if you need to enter multiple tags they need to be separated by commas (,).


Data Tab

Under the second “Data” tab you will need to configure all the essential product specifics.


Data Tab settings


  • Model - Here you will need to specify the exact item model. The value entered should contain letters and digits. It will be displayed under the “Product Code” field on the product page.
  • SKU - The SKU (Stock Keeping Unite) is the unique identifier for the product. The SKU is used to recognize the given product in the marketplace.
  • UPC - The UPC (Universal Product Code) is also used as a unique product identifier of the product in the marketplace.
  • EAN - The same applies to the EAN (European Article Number) specifically for Europe.
  • JAN - Similarly to the EAN, the JAN (Japanese Article Number) is applicable to Japan.
  • ISBN - The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is also a unique identifier that represents the product.
  • MPN - In this field, you can enter the MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) if needed.

Please note that by default, the “SKU”, “UPC”, “EAN”, “JAN”, “ISBN” and “MPN” values are not displayed on the storefront.


Data Tab additional settings


  • Location - In this field, you can specify the physical location of the warehouse where the product is stored. Note that this information is intended only for internal use by the store admin, managers, etc.
  • Price - In this field, you will need to specify the product price excluding taxes. When adding the price, please make sure to include the decimal separator (e.g. 100.0000).
  • Tax Class - From this dropdown menu, you will need to select whether the product will fall under the “Taxable Products” category or under “Downloadable Goods” (products without taxes applied onto). 
  • Quantity - In this field, you will need to enter the available product quantity in stock.
  • Minimum Quantity - The value entered here determines the minimum quantity of the product required for purchase.
  • Subtract Stock - If you keep this setting enabled, the stock availability will be automatically decreased upon successful order. If you disable it, you will have to manually track your orders and deduct the stock quantity.
  • Out Of Stock Status - From this dropdown menu, you can select the status which will be displayed on the storefront when the product reaches the out-of-stock point.
  • Requires Shipping - This setting determines whether the product is shippable or not. 
  • Date Availability - This calendar option allows you to schedule the publishing of the product in case you do not want to publish it right away.


Data tab dimension settings


  • Dimension (L x W x H) - Here you will need to enter the Length-Width-Height of the product. Please make sure to add the values accurately as if your shipping calculations are based on dimensions your customers might end up with errors or incorrect shipping rates.
  • Length Class - From this dropdown menu, you will need to select the measurement unit which will be used to indicate the product length.
  • Weight - In this field, you will need to specify the weight of the product.
  • Weight Class - From this dropdown menu, you will need to select the measurement unit which will be used to indicate the product weight.
  • Status - From this dropdown menu you will be able to control whether the product is displayed on the store frontend or not. Intuitively, selecting the “Enabled” option will show the product, oppositely, selecting “Disabled” will not display the product.
  • Sort Order -  The value entered here determines the position of the product compared to the rest of the products displayed in any product lists on the storefront. The lower the value is, the higher the product will be positioned.


Links Tab

In the following “Links” tab you will be able to assign the product to specific groups.


Links Tab settings


  • Manufacturer - In this field, you can specify the manufacturer of the product which will be displayed under the product page on the storefront. If a specific manufacturer is selected all products assigned to it will be displayed. You can configure your product manufacturers by going to Catalog > Manufactures > Add New.
  • Categories - Here you will need to select one or more categories this product will be assigned to. If you have not yet created your product categories, you can check out our guide based on How to add Product Categories in OpenCart 3.
  • Filters - Similarly, here you will need to enter the filters applicable to this product. You can find detailed instructions on how to create product filters in the following guide.


Links Tab additional settings


  • Stores - In case you are managing multiple stores within the same installation you will be able to select the actual store this product will belong to. In our case, it is not a multistore installation, therefore we have only the “Default” option.
  • Downloads - From this field, you can select specific files that will be assigned to this product and provided to your customers for download after the product purchase. Note that this is usually done for the downloadable product type.
  • Related Products - From this field, you can select relevant products that you think the customer reviewing this product might be interested in. Those products will be displayed at the bottom of the product page under the “Related Products” section.


Attribute Tab

From the “Attribute” tab you will need to select the attribute(s) applicable to this product. To add an attribute, please click on the blue “Add Attribute” button. When this is done you will need to enter the name of the attribute in the “Attribute” field and write supplemental information in the “Text” field.


Attribute Tab settings


The attribute name and the text information will be listed on the product page under the “Specifications” tab.


Option Tab

From the “Option” tab you will be able to select the required variations of the product. The “Options” function of OpenCart allows you to create different product versions. You will be able to set up the stock quantity, price, weight, etc. individually for each option. For example, if you are selling clothing and you offer different colors and sizes, you will be able to add and customize each of the variations of the product.  Product Options can be configured by going to Catalog > Options. More information on the topic you can find in our guide available here.

Once you select the desired option(s) you will be presented with an additional “Required” dropdown menu with two choices - “Yes” and “No”. Your selection here determines whether your customers will be obligated to select one of the available option values in order to be able to place their order. We will recommend you to select the “Yes” option for any product with multiple variations to avoid receiving orders missing essential information.

Note that you will need to manually enter each option value by clicking on the blue “Add Option Value” button and then you will be able to configure individual item quantity, price, reward points, and weight for each option value. As well as to control whether the stock will be automatically subscribed per option value.


Option Tab settings


The selected option(s) will be displayed under the “Available Options” section on the product page.


Recurring Tab

From the “Recurring” tab you can assign a recurring profile(s) applicable to a specific customer group. In other words, a subscription that will charge your customers regularly (per frequency or cycles). Recurring profiles can be set up by going to Catalog > Recurring Profiles. In case you have not configured them yet, you can take a look at our guide available here.


Recurring Tab settings


Once you are ready, please switch to the next tab.


Discount Tab

The “Discount” tab is where you can configure specific discount terms for the product by clicking on the blue “Add Discount” button. You will be able to select a given customer group applicable for the discount, the product quantity required to benefit from the discount, the priority of the discount, the discounted price (excluding tax) and the time frame it will be available.


Discount Tab settings


Note that you will be able to configure different terms for specific customer groups if needed.


Special Tab

Similarly to the previous tab, from the “Special” tab you can set up a discounted price. The main difference is that the special price is displayed on the product page and does not require specific product quantity in order to be applied. If you would like to configure a promotional price, please click on the “Add Special” button and in the new section select the customer group applicable for the special price, the priority of the special, the actual special price (excluding tax) and the time frame it will be available.


Special Tab settings


Again, if you need to configure different terms for specific customer groups, you will be able to it by configuring each one separately.


Image Tab

From the “Image” tab you will have to select the main and additional images for the product. In order to select the main product image, please click on the default OpenCart logo and hit the “Edit” button. Then you will be presented with the Image Manager dialog and you will be able to select one of the available images in the store gallery or upload a new image from your local computer. Once you have the desired image just click over it and it will be automatically selected. You can configure the additional product images by clicking on the blue “Add Image” button and following the same steps, just note that you will also need to enter the priority value which will determine the position of the image compared to the rest of the additional images.


Image Tab settings


The main product image will be displayed in all product lists on the storefront, as well as on the product page itself. The additional product images will be available in the product image gallery displayed on the product page.


Reward Points Tab

The OpenCart Reward Points system allows you to sell products for initially defined amounts of reward points. In this tab, you will be able to specify the number of reward points required for the purchase of this product, as well as the number of reward points which will be earned by the customer after purchasing the product.


Reward Points Tab settings


In the first “Points” field you will need to specify how many reward points will be required from your customers in order to purchase this product. In the section below, you will need to select the customer group suitable for earning reward points and the number of points that will be earned after purchasing the product.



Under the “SEO” tab, all you will need to specify is the SEO URL of the page. The SEO friendly URL is shorter versions of the standard URL that contain the keywords describing the product.


SEO Tab settings


When entering the keywords, please make sure to replace spaced with dashed (-) wherever needed.


Design Tab

From the last “Design” tab,  you will be able to select a different layout for the product page if needed.


Design Tab settings


Once you are ready, please click on the blue “Save” button in order to create your new product. When this is done we would recommend you double-check the product on the storefront just to confirm everything appears as intended. Fingers crossed you will be pleased with the result.


As you have probably noticed, the process of adding products in OpenCart is quite intuitive and straight to the point. Therefore, we hope that you have managed to easily follow our instructions and successfully create your new product. In case you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.



Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.