Learn Client Area

Everything you will ever need to know about managing your Client Area with HostArmada!

• Last Updated: 01/09/2020
• ( 5 minutes reading )

How to edit your Account Details through the HostArmada Client Area


In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to manage the account details in your HostArmada Client Area (“Client Dashboard”). You will get familiar with the process of editing your Personal Information and creating Contacts/Sub-Accounts. We will show you how to change the password for your HostArmada Client Area as well as how to configure the Security Settings of your account.


Getting Started

First, we will navigate you on how to locate the Account Details page. When you are logged into your HostArmada Client Area, please click on the arrow icon next to the “Hello, Your Name” message (top right corner) and select “Edit Account Details” from the list of options.


Accessing the Edit Account Details page


Once this is done, you will be re-directed to the account details management page. As you will notice this page is split into four tabs: “My Details”, “Contact/Sub-Accounts”, “Change Password” and “Security Settings”. We will explain the actions you can perform from each tab in the following lines.


Editing Account Details

Under the “My Details” tab you will be able to edit all your Personal Information, including your names, company name, email address, phone number, and physical address.


Editing Personal Information


Right below your Personal Details you will be able to configure your Billing preferences. 

The “Payment Method” setting determines the default method which will be used for all future payments. You will need to select one of the following options from the dropdown menu:

  • PayPal - If this option is selected all newly generated invoices must be manually paid unless a PayPal subscription is set up for your service(s).
  • Credit Card - If this option is selected whenever a new invoice is created our system will attempt to automatically charge the credit card on file on the invoice due date.
  • Use Default (Set Per Order) - This option considers the initial payment method (used for processing the first invoice payment) as default and all invoices generated in the future will be based on it.

The following “Default Billing Contact” determines the PayPal or Credit Card holder. Note that the selected Billing Contact will be assigned as a holder to all invoices.

The “VAT Number” field is pretty self-explanatory. You will need to enter your VAT identification number in case your company is registered to pay VAT taxes.

Finally, the “Join our mailing list” checkbox lets control whether you desire to receive promotional emails from HostArmada.


Editing Payment Details


Once you perform the necessary changes, please do not forget to click on the “Save Changes” button in order to successfully record them.


Creating Contacts/Sub-Accounts

In case you need to allow access to your account to a third person you can create a sub-account for them. The sub-accounts are entirely customizable, therefore you will be able to determine the privileges granted and to control the level of access provided.

In order to create a new sub-account, please select “Add New Contact” from the “Choose Contact” dropdown menu.


Adding new Sub-account


Once this is done you will need to specify the Contact details of the new account in the same manner as for your own account.


Selecting Email Preferences


From the list of options under “Email Preferences”, you will be able to select what email notifications will be sent to the email address associated with the sub-account, as well as to allow the account owner to submit support tickets if needed.

In case you would like to allow the sub-account with access to the Client Area, please mark the “Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access” checkbox. Once this is done, a new “Permissions” list of options will be presented and you will be able to control the level of access of the sub-account by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. You will also need to specify the sub-account login password.


Selecting Account Permissions


When you are ready, please make sure to click on the “Save Changes” button in order to finalize the creation of the sub-account.


Changing Password

In case you need to change the password for your HostArmada Client Area you can do so from the “Change Password” tab. All you will need to do is to enter your current password, then specify the new password and re-type it to confirm it matches. Please make sure to use a strong password, as using a common and easily guessable password can lead to a security vulnerability. You can use the ”Generate Password” option which will automatically generate a strong password (combining letters, numbers, and symbols) for your account.


Changing Client Area password


Once you are ready, please click on the “Save Changes” button and your new password will be successfully configured.


Configuring Security Settings

From the last “Security Settings” tab you can add extra layers of security to your HostArmada Client Area and protect it from unauthorized access. You will be able to configure Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) as well as Single Sign-On functionality.


Configuring Client Area Security Settings


Two-Factor Authentication will defend your HostArmada Client Area and sensitive data from various attacks, such as Brute-force, hackers, keyloggers and other threats. With 2FA enabled on your account, you will be obligated to provide a passcode that can be obtained from an additional smart device configured for the purpose. In case you wish to enable it, please follow the steps in our guide based on How to enable Two-Factor Authentication in HostArmada Client Area.

The Single Sign-On functionality allows you to directly sign in to your cPanel account through your HostArmada Client Area without a need for further authentication. Please note that it is enabled by default. In case you would like to manually sign in to the cPanel account, please make sure to disable it by clicking on the green “On” button.


We hope you have found the information in this tutorial useful and our guidance easy to follow. In case you have experienced any sort of difficulties, please make sure to contact our Support Team for assistance.

Content Marketing Specialist

Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.