In this tutorial, we will introduce the Invoice Management section available under your HostArmada Client Area (“Client Dashboard”). We will guide you on how to review the entire invoice history including all invoices paid to HostArmada counted from your initial service purchase. As well as how to proceed with the payments of your service renewal invoices which will be generated seven days prior to the service due date. Upon an invoice generation, you will be informed by an email notification sent to the address associated with your HostArmada account and you will be able to process the payment at the most convenient time during this period.
In order to begin, please log in to your HostArmada Client Area. In case you have a due invoice(s) that will be indicated directly on your Home Page under the “Invoices” block. The information presented will be the number of unpaid invoices as well as the total amount due. By using the Quick Access buttons below you will be able to review all unpaid invoices or directly proceed with the payment.
The bell icon located at the top navigation bar will display all important notification related to your services with us, including your service renewal invoices, therefore, it is strongly recommended to check it out.
If you scroll down to the button of the Home Page you will see a list of all currently unpaid invoices. You will be able to review the invoice number, the date of invoice creation, the due date and the status of the invoice. By clicking on the magnifier icon you will be displayed with the invoice itself and you will be able to review, print, download and pay it.
Now that we have reviewed all the information contained on the Home Page concerning your invoices you are ready to move forward to reviewing your invoice history and processing service renewal payments.
The entire history of all invoices paid to HostArmada for your services are stored and can be reviewed under the “My Invoices” section in your Client Area. In order to access it, please click on “My Invoices” located at the left-hand side menu bar.
Similarly to the Home Page, here you will be provided with an option to pay all due invoices by clicking on the “Pay All” button displayed under the orange bar at the top of the page.
The purple bar below indicates the number of invoices that fall into the given status. By clicking on any of the statuses you will be able to sort and list all the invoices assigned to it. You can also use the search option in case you are looking for a specific invoice.
In the list of invoices, you will see displayed the invoice number, the issue date, the due date, the total amount of the invoice, and the status.
Now, let’s review a particular invoice and guide you on how to process the payment.
As previously pointed, you can process the payments of your invoices directly from the Home Page of your Client Area as well as from the “My Invoices” page. For the sake of this example, we will review the process of paying an individual invoice.
While you are located under the “My Invoices” page, please click on the arrow icon next to the corresponding invoice and you will be displayed with the actual invoice which will look similar to the one shown on the screenshot example below.
You will be able to review all the essential details of the invoice. At the top right corner of the invoice, you will see displayed the invoice status. The button positioned below is where you will need to click once you are ready to process the payment.
The first section contains your billing details, our company billing details, the invoice generation date, and its due date. In case you need to perform any changes in your billing details, please find the instructions in the following guide. The “Payment Method” dropdown menu allows you to select the desired payment method which will be used.
The “Description” section indicates which service is the subject of this invoice as well as the billing period of it. Right below are displayed the subtotal, any taxes applicable to the payment, credit included in your account deducted from the invoice and the total.
After a successfully processed payment, the last section will display the date, the gateway used, the transaction ID and the total amount paid.
In case you need to download or print the invoice, you will find the options located right below the invoice, at the very bottom of the page.
If the payment is successfully processed no later than the invoice due date your service will be automatically renewed and no further actions will be required from your end. Please note that if the payment is after the due date of the invoice that might not happen, therefore, please make sure to contact our Support Team so they can take any action that might be needed and ensure your service is properly renewed.
Although we believe you would have been able to handle this task on your own we hope you found the information in this guide useful. In case you did not find the answer to a particular question of yours, please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification.
Sebahat is a young and bright woman who has become an invaluable part of our team. She started as a Customer Care Representative, mastering that role and, along the way, growing into a tech-savvy individual who is well acquainted with every support layer of the company. Driven by her aim to improve our customers’ experience constantly, she is committed to enhancing the extraordinary support we deliver.